Sunday, March 10, 2024

Day 9


    Today I had watched the film "Her" on the media platform Max. Throughout the film I realized the abundant use of color. The main character is often associated with shades of red to illustrate how he yearns for love. I also read an article and a video embedded in it to learn more about it. I remember that during a few scenes of the movie, the color red is completely absent. Which is trying to illustrate the absence of love. They also try not to overuse the color very much by spacing out red objects or just the color in general throughout the movie. They also use different colors such as yellow to demonstrate the mood. 

This thumbnail completely surrounds the main character with red which shows his desire for love.

    This research has inspired me to think more about color scheme for our film opening. I feel like using shades of blue at some point can help illustrate the sadness that our main character has towards his parents. Dark colors like black and maybe a dark red could also help demonstrate the hatred he has for the government and his evil intentions. I think that this could really help bring the setting and story to life. However, in order to do this successfully we'd probably need to maybe find walls that are colored to our liking to create some scenes. Or the color of the clothing could be a great tool in portraying emotions. Lighting would also serve as a great tool to portray the mood of certain scenes. For example, during the scene where our main character attempts to visit his parents but doesn't succeed, we can use dim lighting and maybe some soft blues to contract the sad atmosphere. Which I think would be great to bring out the emotions of the scene out more clearly.

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