Sunday, March 10, 2024

Day 8


    Alec and I were discussing our casting situation. Alec has decided to be the main character, and I think it would be great because he has a good vision of what the character should act like. Plus, he has his JROTC uniform which will serve a great purpose for our opening. As for the rest of the characters, we're trying to recruit actors that are also in the JROTC program so that we can use their uniforms and acting in the film opening. We already successfully recruited Aden Brennen to be the one who is in charge of saying the speech at the beginning of our film opening.

    Other people that I would want to recruit is my sister since she is also a JROTC cadet at Cypress. So, we're mainly recruiting JROTC enrolled students to be in our film opening. That way we don't really have to stress about costume design. I think these are really good decisions for out film opening because it saves us time from really thinking about what our characters would be wearing in every shot. As for out actors, Aden Brennen is known to be a very outgoing person and very expressive of his emotions, and so is my sister. So, I think they'd do great as two of our characters. The people typically enrolled in the JROTC program aren't really shy people in my opinion. So hopefully acting will be a fun activity for them!

    Even though the JROTC uniforms are basically all we really need for almost every scene in the film opening, there is gonna be a scene where see our main character is getting into uniform after waking up. So, deciding what he wears to sleep will most likely represent his mental health or what he feels comfortable with. I'm really into symbolism so I'm gonna explain to Alec about us portraying our characters through symbolism.

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