Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Day 6

    In class Alec and I shared our ideas and finally came to a conclusion on what exactly we're doing for our project. We established that our genre is military fiction. We also established a few things about our main character and the general overview of his backstory and how it will be demonstrated through the film opening that we will create. Our main character is plotting to construct an anarchy in society and is trying to rise up in society to be able to do that in the first place. He does this by joining the military. The whole reason behind his intentions is because the government made a negative lasting impact on his parents and he shares a deep connection with his family. So, this hurt him deeply. He seeks revenge on the government by establishing an anarchy, and down with the monarchy. 

    As for our setting, we decided on good places that can serve its purpose for our film opening:

  • School courtyard
  • Auditorium
  • Basketball Court
  • JROTC room
  • Home/House
  • Street
The setting is supposed to establish the main character's line of work and personality. So, basically we're establishing setting and character in our film opening.

The general overview of the film opening:

Begins with a speech about needing a monarch, which leads to the title drop on the screen. Then, the main character views a photo of his family and admires it. He gets ready for work and then he tries to visits his parents who suffered an accident that is related to the government but fails to do so because he feels guilt or anger towards the government or the fact that he couldn't do anything to protect them. Next, we're gonna show the main character changing his attitude and face to a more friendlier face before entering a place where he'll meet his colleagues and friends. 

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