Saturday, February 24, 2024

Day 5

     After doing our research last class, Alec and I were assessing our situation and decided that we need to decide on a genre. Because the both of us are being indecisive on what we wanna do. So what we're gonna do is on today's blog post we're gonna write a detailed explanation of what we wanna do with each other's ideas and use that to decide a genre. Then, on Monday we're gonna assess what genre we're gonna do. 

    So I really enjoy the use of "The First Napkin" speech in the film opening. Alec and I already for sure decided that we're gonna do a character vs. society film opening. I also already have vivid imaginations of some shots I wanna make happen and how I want it to look like. Key colors that I want in it are mostly like a light blue, gray, and white. I feel like those colors need to be present, because I feel like it would be great. Before I get into more depth here is my vision of what our film opening can be:

    At the beginning it'll start off with a scene of someone setting a table which will symbolize the structure of society. It'll show how everything is organized in a way where everything is where it's supposed to be. Next, people will start getting seated at the table and will take what the speech is saying literally at some point. Which is someone is going to take the first napkin. That person is going to be the one who "rules over" society, or the one who sets the rules in the setting that they are in. I have not really developed the context that they are in at the dinner table. However, the last person who picks up their napkin will be our main character. Which will symbolize how he rose up from the bottom and made it to the top. The top being the person who destroyed society. 

However, I'm not really sure where to put the title of the film. I also haven't thought of what the title could be. For our film opening I really want to use things that are symbolic of something, I'm really inspired to do this because of a scene from Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho that we analyzed in class and because of the research that I did on different character vs. society movies. For music, I'm really stuck on two songs that we can use for the film opening that could be great.


On The Run by Pink Floyd

Eastside Story by Trevor Duncan

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