Saturday, February 10, 2024

transition post

  In the beginning of the year we started off by learning the different elements that media consists of: sound, camera shots, mise-en-scene, and editing. The past few months have been preparing me and everyone else in my class for our final portfolio project. Today was the day that we began the process of the portfolio project. We learned about all the important aspects of it, and all the necessary requirements that the project needs to meet in order to be an acceptable piece. I still have yet to come up with approaches of what I would like to do for my project. I decided to work on my portfolio project with my friend Alec.

Alec was telling me about one of his ideas for our portfolio project. We didn’t have much time to fully discuss it, but he gave me a general overview of what it is. It falls under the horror genre. He described it as someone paying attention to a computer at night and having to see a terrifying reflection on the screen of something that was behind them. I’m open to anything, so I thought this was a really fun and cool idea.

My approach to this project would be to create a dream scene that would insinuate something happening in the future. The scene would start off already in the dream, and it ends when the person wakes up confused. When the character wakes up, that's when the title of the film will show up. The credits will appear as soon as the title disappears from the screen.

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Group meeting

   So today we had a group meeting in class where we all shared stuff about each of our portfolio projects. It was with my classmates, Corin...