Friday, February 2, 2024

Music Marketing Blog Post #2

     The research process of our music marketing project took about two to complete with accurate information. We had to complete our music chart first. We had to look into the record labels that had signed off on the song that we had chosen for our project. Which is "We Are Young" by the band fun. After, we researched Lana Del Rey, The Weeknd, Ed Sheeran, and Bruno Mars. We looked up the history behind the record label, and other famous artists that are signed under them.

    Brainstorming occurred constantly throughout the progress of our project. At first we had brainstormed about which song to choose for our project, which led to thinking about what type of music video to produce. A promo, storytelling, artistic, or combination video? We went with a storytelling type of music video. We then wrote down our ideas about what our story was going to be about and how it would capture the essence of the song we chose. We used a storyboard to illustrate the technique we were planning on using for our video. 

    The production process of our project was tough because everyone in the group had a difficult time deciding on a specific time and place that could correlate correctly with everyone. My group consisted of three members including myself. Me and one my partners, Megan Kelly, were able to start production just the two of us because our other member, Mariano Bertello, was not able to make it to the shoot. Which did make things difficult. He was hard to work with, but we eventually were able to obtain everything we needed for our music video. 

    For the post-production aspect of the project, we were able to edit the shots we took into a dramatic fast-paced music video. We had better expectations of the music video but in my opinion it is not as bad as I thought it would be. I'm proud with what we made. After finishing up the video, we recorded our voices for our presentation and began to solely focus on the PowerPoint and the extra aspects that we wanted to incorporate in it.

The presentation is a good length. We made it look very colorful and lively, which mostly corresponds to the color scheme that we chose for our band, Snow Birds. We talk about our marketing strategies, and how our band came to what it is throughout the presentation. I had constructed and decorated a website for Snow Birds, to make it seem legit. On the website, I included press comments, merchandise, and upcoming tour dates. Our band mostly consists of the colors blue and pink, which is what the color scheme of the website is. It is very colorful, and it is everything we expected it to be which is very satisfying. We created an Instagram account, and a YouTube account for the band. We also created images for their hit song "Tonight" on SoundCloud and Spotify.

I learned a lot about attention to detail and creativity throughout this project. I feel that this project will certainly help me be more creative and think of every detail for my Cambridge portfolio. It also has helped me to coordinate with people and ideas which I find very helpful. Being organized also plays a great role in this project. The practice that I have acquired from this project will be very helpful in the future.


Band logo:

Website link:

password for website: flyingsnowbirds

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