Monday, February 19, 2024

Day 3

     Over the weekend, I have been delving deeper into my imagination for my idea. Alec and I have not really talked much about ideas since the last time we saw each other at school. The last time we talked was when I was telling him about my idea. He had told me that it's a really great idea but that we just need to become more specific about the ideas we have so that we can successfully piece it together. For the scene I was thinking of a song similar to the song "On The Run" by Pink Floyd. I feel like a song like that could really bring the scene and story together. Because the main character's purpose is to basically start an anarchy by implementing the idea that society doesn't need authority. I feel that "On The Run" does a great job of presenting that surge of adrenaline that is constantly circulating through the main character's thoughts and ideas. I feel that this song combined with the narration of the speech, "The First Napkin", would be a great combination since the song doesn't contain lyrics. However I'm not sure if I want to use this song specifically because of how long and difficult the process is to obtain permission to use copyrighted music.

"On The Run" by Pink Floyd

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