Thursday, February 15, 2024

Day 2

  Alec and I were discussing the topic of our film opening a bit more and he presented to me his new idea. He wants to do a film opening where there is a narration of a speech called "The First Napkin". I think the narration of the speech over the film opening is actually a really great idea. I feel as if it could leave a lasting impact on the audience. As for the mise-en-scene, Alec described some of the things he would like in the opening. He described to me men in suits, and a table. Since, Alec is in the JROTC program, he suggested that for the men in suits we utilize some of the JROTC students in our film opening since they are required to wear uniform. I think that's so useful for our project, and could really make it look legit!

    I was brainstorming ideas based off of Alec's new idea and eventually thought of something. What I told him was that I think it should be character vs. society because of the context of the speech. I was reading the speech again and it basically talks about who gets to hold power in a society. Who gets to make huge decisions that cause for others to follow along? I told Alec that our main character could have the purpose of changing the structure of society. The protagonist dislikes the idea of power being held by only one person. He believes in freedom. I still have to brainstorm a little more though and be more specific about my idea. However I do think that there should be a close-up shot of our character looking at the men in suits with intent. The intent to change how the world works. Basically saying "everything's going to change" through his eye contact to the men. His eyes are supposed to speak.

This is the link to the speech 

 The First Napkin

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