Friday, March 7, 2025

Group meeting


So today we had a group meeting in class where we all shared stuff about each of our portfolio projects. It was with my classmates, Corina, Julia, Zain, and Samantha. When it was my turn to tell them about my project they gave me really helpful criticism. They told me that I should focus on only one aspect of a physical appearance for each episode of my episodic documentary. They said that if I focused on too many aspects in one episode, it would be too overwhelming and just too much to fit in one episode. That it would be better to space it out more by assigning a different aspect of a physical appearance for each episodic episode. Zain said that she thinks that if I decide to choose the clothing aspect for my portfolio, that it would be pretty difficult to choose what to include in the 5 minute excerpt. Since clothing is a very big aspect of a person and how they express themselves. Clothing is a very broad aspect and choosing the right things to be in the 5 minute excerpt could be a challenge. I didn't really think about that at all before she mentioned it. However I still feel like going the clothing route will be the best idea at conveying the whole topic of my documentary. Plus I also feel like it's the most fun aspect of an appearance to document. Corina also recommended me to interview the president of the Fashion Club at Cypress. Apparently she knows a lot about fashion and she dresses very fashionista. That idea really got my attention, but I need to think about how I'd incorporate it into my project. Their criticism actually helped me a lot though, they told me things I didn't even think about!

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